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Joint COTSEAL/SEALC Workshop on Heritage Language & Project-Based Learning at UCLA


COTSEAL and SEALC invite Southeast Asian language instructors from any US university or community college to apply to participate in the Heritage Language (HL) and Project-Based Learning (PBL) Workshop at UCLA on October 23-24, 2020.


This workshop will introduce the principles and practices of Project-based Learning to participants in order to strengthen the development of instructional materials that can be incorporated into the curricula of Southeast Asian language classes. 

  • Prior to the workshop, participants will be required to complete an online module that will focus on identifying and addressing issues pertinent to HL students as well as impart the principles and tools of PBL, including exemplary models of this approach. 

  • The two-day workshop will then build procedural knowledge – i.e., how to instantiate this approach in the classroom. Participants will learn how to select project topics and materials, how to structure the creation of products for students at different levels of proficiency, and how to assess learning.  

  • The goal of this workshop is for participants to acquire skills that will allow them to create a module that will be included in a bank of materials to be shared with other teachers.

  • Following the workshop, SEALC will provide support and peer review of the development of modules prior to posting them online. SEALC will offer a modest honorarium to each participant who completes the post-workshop activities. Priority will be given to those applicants who commit to participate in the post workshop activities. 

  • The registration fees, accommodations, and meals during the workshop are covered for accepted participants.

  • All participants must be active members of COTSEAL or become a member. (Dues are $30/one-year and $55/two-year.)

  • To renew COTSEAL membership or become a member, please fill out this form:


Required application materials: (Please upload only pdf files and be sure your name is written at the top left-hand corner of your CV and personal statement.)

  •  Curriculum vitae

  • Personal statement (1-2 pages) that describes your interest in this professional development opportunity and how it will benefit your teaching and addresses the following questions:


  1. Which level course do you currently teach (e.g., 1st, 2nd,  or 3rd year, lower or upper division)?

  2. Do you teach courses designed exclusively for HL learners? If not, are heritage language and second language (L2) learners combined in one classroom?

  3. Please describe your experience teaching: type of classes, number of years teaching, challenges you have faced, and any professional development that focused on teaching Southeast Asian languages and/or HL students.

  4. What do you hope to get out of this workshop?

  5.  If you are willing to commit to creating a module during the post workshop activities, you will be compensated with a modest honorarium. Please mention this in your statement.   


To request funding for travel:

  • Submit a brief statement of need for assistance with travel expenses. Include information from your institution indicating what portion of the cost they can cover. It is expected that participants from NRCs will seek travel funds from their home institutions. 




  • This workshop is funded by the UC Berkeley-UCLA Southeast Asia Consortium National Resource Center, the Southeast Asia Language Council (SEALC) and UCLA National Heritage Language Resource Center.   



OPI Training workshops - December 14 - 18, 2019

  formally invites all instructors teaching Vietnamese in the U.S. to consider applying to the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) training workshop, to be held at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, from Dec. 13-19, 2019. This wonderful opportunity is sponsored by the Southeast Asian Language Council (SEALC) with support by the Henry Luce Foundation. This is first SEALC project in 2019-2020 aims to support the formulation of language specific Oral Proficiency Guidelines (OPG) for Vietnamese . 


The goals of ACTFL 4-day OPI Workshop are two-fold:


  1. To provide full OPI training for those who have not had the opportunity to do so, or have not had the training in the last two years (if space is available). The four day workshop takes place on December 14-17.

  2. To begin the OPG project of formulating the language specific OPG based on interview data. The OPG workshop takes place on December 18. 

After the workshop, there will be follow-up activities online involving collaboration among participants in your language group to collect, rate, and analyze the data. Participants in the OPG project will then be invited to the next workshop , where the language specific guidelines will be formulated based on the data collected by the participants earlier in the year. 


If you’re attending both workshops please plan on arriving in Madison on Dec. 13 and depart on Dec. 19. Those with prior OPI training are invited to join the second part of the workshop on Dec 18 can arrive on Dec. 17 and depart Dec.19.


Contact info:  Please email if you are interested in attending.  We will contact you regarding your qualification and acceptance.

Application deadline: September 20, 2019

Funding information:  Once accepted, all of your expenses at U-Wisconsin (lodging, food, OPI training) will be covered.  You will need to submit your travel requests to your own institutions.



Part-time Lecturer in Vietnamese at University of Washington


The Department of Asian Languages and Literature at the University of Washington seeks to appoint a 50% part-time Lecturer in Vietnamese. The initial appointment, beginning Autumn Quarter 2019, is for three years, with the possibility of renewal. Applicants must have at least an M.A. degree or foreign equivalent in Vietnamese, foreign language teaching, or another relevant area. Native or native-equivalent proficiency in Vietnamese, English fluency, and at least one year of experience teaching at the college or university level are required. The successful applicant will be expected to teach Vietnamese language at all levels, to develop curricula and teaching materials, to team-teach, and to train and supervise teaching assistants. The University of Washington has a vibrant and growing Vietnamese language program. University of Washington faculty members engage in teaching and service. This position is non-tenure-track and has a 9 month (September 16th – June 15th) service period.


Priority will be given to complete applications received before February 1, 2019. Applications, including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, sample of teaching materials, one-page statement of teaching philosophy, recent student evaluations, and three letters of recommendation, should be submitted electronically to Applicants may be asked later to submit a video recording of themselves teaching a Vietnamese language class. For further questions about the position, the status of the opening, or disability accommodations, please contact Pauli Sandjaja at


The University of Washington is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, protected veteran or disabled status, or genetic information.

The 25th COTSEAL anniversary conference and Technology workshop: May 16-18, 2019

The University of Washington at Seattle will host a 3 day conference to be held in conjunction with COTSEAL (Council of Teachers of Southeast Asian Languages). All GUAVA members, professors and lecturers of Vietnamese in the US and abroad are welcome to participate and present (rules and conditions apply). 

Workshop agenda and theme:

Day 1 (Thursday May 16): Language specific groups hold their own workshops and business meetings. GUAVA members: stay tuned for further details. 

Day 2 (Friday May 17): COTSEAL conference. SEA language teachers, researchers, and graduate students meet to share their language and linguistics research projects and language pedagogy issues with their peers.

Day 3 (Saturday May 18): The teachers will be introduced to the technologies and strategies to create flipped classroom that allows more class time to be maximized for interactive and communicative language activities. 

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